Repent for the Kingdom of God is at Hand

Write my daughter, why I have called you.  Many times I have spoken and you have not heard.  Only those who seek Me, find Me and I answer the desires of those hearts.  Your purpose is twofold.  One is to issue forgiveness and faithfulness to others who are in need.  The other is like the first in that kindness and compassion will melt the hardest of hearts.  I have implanted this talent into your spirit.  Seek my Truth always above all things on this earth.  The time is coming quickly for those with eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit is saying.  The breath and the bride say come.  


Tell others about My Son, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.  Search the scriptures for the treasures buried there and share this treasure with all you meet.

The Day After

I decided to post a part of the words I received on November 7th 2016, the night before the election.  I did not ask God any questions about the election because I know it does not matter, really, but He spoke anyway.

First off, I am not American, but Canadian and this is not a local show, but I want to share some thoughts anyway for what it is worth.  I had to get off Facebook because I could not stand to see the social programming going on that is so clear to me, but even sincere God fearing Christians were sucked into the absurdity of this fiasco.  Many people have woken up to the fact that we are living in some sort of bizarro world that feels like one big reality show, especially this election.  It is all staged and the players are chosen for their starring roles.  I won’t go too deep into it, but those who think that Donald Trump is a born again believer in Jesus Christ who is going to “save America” have been deceived.  He wouldn’t be in that position if he wasn’t chosen for his role by the elites and you cannot watch a speech of his for more than 5 seconds without him flashing the 666 sign which he does continually.  He is showing allegiance to his god and masters but people do not get it.  I just watched Donald’s acceptance speech on YouTube, complete with dramatic music as he entered the stage area with his family.  Have you ever felt like you were watching a movie when watching the news?  Well this was a perfect example of that….just……wow.

Anyway, here is an excerpt from what God had me write the night before the show.

Donald Trump will win but will not be allowed to continue to rule that nation, for My judgement comes.  I say to all who are blinded by this farce of fairness, that I have allowed the man of sin (Obama) to remain to bring about the judgement upon America.  The people are in a deep sleep and will be jolted awake.  The riots will begin by the 12th when the doors open for chaos to begin.  They will all be aghast and will mourn when they see that none of their problems matter.  The deception runs so deep that you need an excavator to get to the beginning of the tail (I do not know what this means but I saw a dog’s tail – Wag the Dog?).

Donald Trump
Election Farce
God’s Judgement on America

This was all I received on the election as God changed gears and started talking about all the fearsome sights that people will see in the sky with the sky being lit up with streaks of fire, oceans turning crimson and an alien deception coming.  I will write about all of that later.  I know if this is new to you that it sounds pretty unbelievable but we truly are living in the end of days and I believe it is better to be prepared, to know our Saviour so that our hearts do  not fail us for fear of what is coming upon the earth.

The First Prophecy

September 26, 2016 11:30 pm

These words were given to me by my Father in Heaven:

Write what you hear my daughter, as My Spirit dwells within you. Why do you say you cannot hear me when you do not listen (I had been praying to hear His voice many times but really hadn’t been spending any real time with God). I speak always by My Spirit. Write of the things to come for they are near and nearer than when you first believed. Harken to the words long written down for they will point you to all truth.  Prophesy that when you see the seven stars around the tree and the the archer with his bow and arrow ready to strike, then the door in heaven will be opened and the bull will charge. The Son is rising in the East, look for Him now, while it is still daylight. 

A mushroom cloud looms in the horizon, set off from ships in the gulf. As the bombs drop, the saints go up. Look to the sky for all my signs coming to pass now. Judgement is come. Repent, tell all to repent now or My Son will come at an hour you expect Him not.


Repent, the Kingdom of God is near and now almost hear. My Word will never pass away and will be used to judge all of mankind. Seek My face and I will lead you into all Truth.

I hear snippits of song lyrics within these writings that I hear as God has told me that He will speak to me in the language of music as I am a singer and worshipper. “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear. The Lord is my life and my salvation, of whom shall I be afraid.

Hoshiana is the beautiful song I heard in my spirit.


In the Beginning

Sharing the words I have received through the Holy Spirit. I am in awe of our awesome God


I had no plans to start a blog and have never gone down this road before, but recently I have begun to receive prophetic words from God (Yahweh) and apparently I am not supposed to just keep them for myself.  I am not calling myself a prophet in any way, shape or form and I am not a writer, so this may come off as a bit awkward to start but I am just being obedient.  We are certainly living in the end times and the days are becoming darker and darker with each passing day.  I now believe that time is very short and the time of testing called the Great Tribulation in the Bible is about to commence.  The only way we are going to make it though this time of testing is to know our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.  I will post a prayer below for those who are just looking for the words to say, but God knows your heart and you do not need to use a certain prayer or lots of words.  If you go to God and acknowledge that you are a sinner (as all of us are) and ask Him to forgive you, repent, meaning turn away, from your sins and ask Jesus to save you.  The gospel is the “good news” and the good news is this; Jesus is God who came in the flesh, led a perfect sinless life, was tortured, crucified and died on the cross bearing the sins of all mankind, was buried and was resurrected from the dead after 3 days and nights; is alive and interceding for all of us.  Believe on Him and the Father of Creation (the Eternal One Yahweh) who sent Him and you will be given eternal life.

John 5:24 “I assure you, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.” 

John 11:25-26 “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?

Ask Jesus to show you if He is real if you do not believe this.  He always answers the honest seeker of truth as He did for me when I cried out in desperation 7 years ago for God to show me He is real and either “help me or kill me”.  I won’t go into my full testimony now but all I can say is He saved me and gave me a hope and a future, He is amazing love.

I recently joined a home church called Shiloh House, who are a great group of people who believe in the prophetic gifts.  I did not know anything about the prophetic and was not seeking after these gifts, nor did I know that this was the focus of this home church.  I was simply told by a friend I met through the Last Reformation website that it was an awesome group and was very close by to where I lived.  I was not really attending church anywhere any more because I could see way too many things wrong with  what was being taught at a lot of churches and the worship of mammon (money) that was going on.   The last church service I went to literally felt like a self-help pep talk that used Jesus as a wish granter and the woman speaking actually used the words “to live your best life now”.   I wanted a relationship with Jesus, not to be part of a “bless me” club. Anyone that is born again of the Spirit will go through this struggle to find a place of real worship among all the false churches.  Eventually you will have to “come out of her my people”.

Anyway, the very first night I went, Mary (the lady of the house) did a teaching about how to hear from God through prayer.  We prayed a short prayer and asked if the Lord God had any words for us personally and then we wrote them down.  It was lovely what I wrote and God spoke that He would speak to me through music.  This was exciting that I now had a way to hear from God because I had really been desiring this.  I always heard other say things like “The Lord showed me, or the Lord told me” etc.  My own writing started when  after spending time in prayer and worship, I prayed and asked the Lord God if He had any words for me.  I asked that what I hear be sanctified and purified and may it represent what He wanted to say to me at that time, through the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus.  From the very beginning I realized that I was writing down prophetic words.  I did not ask for this and I was not expecting this.  I thought it would be about me and things pertaining to my own life but I was really shocked and excited at what I was writing.

I have received many words I know are not coming from my own mind because many times I do not even know what they mean or how to spell the words I am hearing.  I was not expecting this but it has blessed me tremendously.  Is this the Lord speaking 100%?  I do not know and there may be times that my mind gets in the way, but I know the Holy Spirit is showing me some very prophetic things that I believe are of warning and of encouragement.  There are some Christians who have become offended and fearful at what they read here but that is not the intent and comes from not understanding and trusting the Holy Spirit.  I would caution to be very careful though, about attacking people sharing prophetic words and calling them “false prophets” right away.  Use discernment always and do not judge your fellow brothers and sisters, you do not want to grieve the Holy Spirit.  That is why I say to pray about what you will read here.  I am just an imperfect person trying my best to follow a perfect God. I would never try to deceive anyone and I also do not want to be deceived.  God is showing us that the snares are all around us now and we have to be so careful.  Satan is the father of lies and we are all in a spiritual battle that is intensifying.  Once you begin to see the nature of our reality and how we live in a sea of deception, lies and control, then you will be able to see what Jesus truly did for us fallen humans.  I see this world as a prison now and only Jesus has the key to break you out.

1Thess 5:19  19 Don’t quench the Spirit, 20 don’t despise inspired messages. 21 But do test everything — hold onto what is good, 22 but keep away from every form of evil.

It is my heart that people will read the following words and it will draw them closer to God or give insight and understanding into something that they may be struggling with. We are all sinners and we all need a Saviour.  This is why Jesus came, to show us the way back home and more importantly to destroy the works of the devil.  Much of what you will read here is exposing the darkness.  We are to walk in the light as He is in the light.

Pray about the words you will read to see if it is coming from God and please share feedback with me about anything you will read here.  Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Repentance prayer

“Father, I know that I have broken your commands and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”
